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BBB BBS-65S DiscStop HP Sintered Disc Pads Formula B4

BBB BBS-65S DiscStop HP Sintered Disc brake pads Copper Formula B4/Extreme

Brakepads with a sintered compound

Our copper-backed brakepads feature a sintered compound braking surface. Which is able to handle longer periods of braking in both dry and wet conditions. They are therefore more suitable for highspeed and downhill applications. The compound of the pads is pre-sanded which makes these directly ready for use. Without the need to prepare them before going for a ride.

Key Information

  • Colour: Copper
  • Size: Formula B4/Extreme
  • Group Code: BBS-65S
  • Product Group: BBB BBS-65S DiscStop HP Sintered Disc brake pads